Transforming Chase Up

Transforming Chase Up admin September 12, 2024

Chase Up




Retail Sector




Invoice Processing

Why Texitech

Procurement-to-Pay Solution



About Chase up

Chase Up, one of the Pioneers in Modern Departmental Stores, laid its stepping stone in Karachi as a family owned business back in 1984. Since then Chase UP has come a long way from a business focused mainly on the Ready-Made Garments segment only. Today, Chase UP is a known brand which focuses on maximizing customer convenience by providing a wide range of quality and affordable products and services that customers can afford to pay.

Its countless accomplishments include a nationwide spectrum of super market store with 6 stores in Karachi, 1 store in Multan and 1 in Faisalabad, supplied and supported by 4 warehouses in Karachi, Multan and Faisalabad. The company currently purchases items from more than 4000 suppliers in more then a 1000 different categories run by its staff of a 1000+ employees.

Challenges in Invoice Processing

This massive operation requires a large volume of document processing and record keeping, which prompted Chaseup to start looking for a comprehensive DM Solution as all documents were paper based and the Accounts Payable (AP) Department processes were manual. Chase Up used to print all its AP related documents e.g. PO, GRN, DC, payment voucher and related documents and emails, and work in batches moving these among Account Payable teams for checking, verifying, invoice matching, going to final approval manually. However, this was an expensive activity involving costs and time in sorting, filing and storing documents in their local record room and then transferring to third party company for long term storage. Chase Up additionally was spending money on on courier services for transferring documents from different cities to accumulate and consolidate them at the Karachi Head Office. Paper handling was cumbersome and common challenges inluded lost documetns, filing errors, communication issues with supplier, resolving supplier queries, audit fulfillments and processing the invoices on time. As the volume of documents grew, so did the manual processing, affecting productivity and causing delays.

Solution provided by M-Files

The company assessed in detail several solutions available locally and finally chose M-Files due to multiple advantages, the primary being its ability to integrate with Oracle’s accounting and link the documents to M-Files, eliminating the extra manual entry into the system. “Chase Up has integrated M-Files, a cutting-edge solution that ushers in a new era of efficiency and sustainability.”

M-Files provided the flexibility to customize the solution to specific needs. All the POs, GRN, Payment vouchers generated in Oracle are uploaded into M-Files and create a relationship automatically among the documents. Supplier DC and invoices are simply scanned and uploaded into M-Files that are attached directly to respective POs. All documents are then routed among the AP stakeholder through automated workflow for verifying, authorizing and approving invoices for payments. Context based searches and dashboard reports provided instant information at all levels.

Benefits after m-files

Creating a seamless link between M-Files and Oracle resulted in significant time savings. The staff no longer prints bulk documents. Saving on average 1000 pages a day or approx. 30,000 pages per month. With M-Files the AP staff can easily process invoices, they open their tasks and click on the links — and then approve or reject invoices. The Accounts Payable Department have a combined savings of over 4 man hours a day.

M-Files enabled Chase Up to work more efficiently, enabling employees to do their work faster and more accurately. They no longer have to print all documents and start all over again. Currently, Chase Up now saves on paper, printer toner, printer maintenance, filing stationary, filing storage both onsite and offsite, and the courier costs to process over 5,000 invoices monthly. The only paper items that are left currently are the regular DC and Invoices, which Chase up will also be eliminating soon once M-Files is integrated with Oracle I-supplier.
Expansion to other departments is now in planning after the success of AP and substantial cost savings and working efficiencies.

About M-files

M-Files provides a next generation intelligent information management platform that improves business performance by helping people find and use information more effectively. Unlike traditional enterprise content management (ECM) systems or content services platforms, M-Files unifies systems, data and content across the organisation without disturbing existing systems and processes or requiring data migration.

With the Intelligent Metadata Layer, M-Files breaks down silos by delivering an in-context experience for accessing and leveraging information that resides in any system and repository, including network folders, SharePoint, file sharing services, ECM systems, CRM, ERP and other business systems and repositories. Thousands of organizations in over 100 countries use M-Files for managing their business information and processes, including NBC Universal, Rovio and SAS.

About Texitech

Texitech is your trusted partner for cutting-edge M-Files solutions. With a strong commitment to innovation and a proven track record, Texitech specializes in architecting and delivering customized M-Files solutions for various industries.

For over 27 years, Texitech has offered a variety of solutions for digitizing and technologies to improve efficiencies and help organizations go paperless in various contexts. Their solutions are designed to improve efficiency and optimize business processes, including POD, HR onboarding, compliance, accounts payable, and document storage and retrieval. Texitech is dedicated to helping businesses work smarter and digitally transform their operations.

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